Jesse Huang

Postdoc Fellow in Mathematics

CAB 477

University of Alberta

Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences

Edmonton AB, Canada T6G 2G1


Beginning in Fall 2024, I will be a postdoc fellow in the Geometry and Topology group at the University of Waterloo. I am currently a postdoc fellow at the University of Alberta, supported by a Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences postdoc fellowship (2021-2023) and the NSERC Discovery Grant (2021-2024). I received my PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in August 2021.

My research broadly touches upon symplectic geometry and algebraic geometry, with a focus on the interplay between them predicted by homological mirror symmetry. Generally, I hope to use mirror-geometric constructions to identify meaningful algebraic structures of the coherent derived categories. I have been thinking about how this idea pans out under certain contexts such as toric GIT wall-crossings and crepant resolutions, and its applications to problems in birational geometry and noncommutative algebra. Some of my perspectives on these subjects are inspired by quiver gauge theory and brane tiling.

Always on the job market. Always hopeful searching for YOU, my future colleagues.


My mentors in reverse chronological order: Elana Kalashnikov, Matt Satriano (Waterloo); David Favero (Alberta); James Pascaleff (UIUC, PhD advisor); Gabe Kerr, Ilia Zharkov (K-State)